Cold Email "What Not To Do"

Oh, the cold email. You've likely received one in the past. Maybe it was missing your name, perhaps a vague salutation like, "Dear [Your Business Name here]" or even worse, "Dear [Blank]." It's a bit like getting a Christmas card addressed to 'Occupant'.

Let's break it down, shall we?

The "Spray and Pray" Approach  

Suppose you're targeting an ice cream parlour and a Butcher with the same email. In that case, you're not just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks – you're flinging the entire Italian restaurant. 

 "spray and pray" is the age-old, rather desperate strategy of sending bulk emails to an extensive list, hoping that anyone might take the bait—the digital equivalent of shouting into a void and hoping for an echo.

Delving into the numbers:

  • The Data & Marketing Association states that targeted emails garner 58% of all revenue. That's more than half! Now, compare that to the meagre returns of a non-targeted campaign, and you'll see why this is a tad problematic.
  • Non-targeted or broad campaigns have a lower open rate. Only about 15% of cold emails are opened, which plummets further when you're not even sure the recipient is in your target audience.
  • Furthermore, the more irrelevant emails a person receives, the more likely they will mark your emails as spam. In the UK, nearly 45% of all email is marked as spam. Once you're flagged, it's a steep climb back to the inbox, affecting your overall deliverability.

Example Time:

Let's paint a picture. Imagine you're selling a fancy, innovative cat litter tray. Now, you send a generic cold email to a list that includes dog owners, people with fish as pets, and some cat owners. It seems a bit off. Your message about the revolutionary world of feline waste management will probably fall on deaf ears (or eyes, in this case) if you're pitching to a fish enthusiast.

Using the "spray and pray" method means wasting your time and resources and potentially alienating many recipients who now view your emails as noise in their already crowded inboxes. It's the equivalent of trying to sell ice to the Eskimos while missing out on the sunbathers at the beach who'd appreciate a cold treat.

Why it's a no-go: This approach only shows one thing – your list is probably as tangled as a toddler's toy box. An inaccurate email list isn't just ineffective; it's harmful. It affects your deliverability rates and tarnishes your brand image.

The Ghost of Personalisation Past

Your email arrived in my inbox. It's got my name on it, yet starts with, "Dear [generic term]." It's the equivalent of someone waving at you, walking up, and saying, "Sorry, I thought you were someone else."

The numbers don't lie: Personalised emails deliver six times higher transaction rates. But 70% of brands fail to use them. Don't be part of that percentage.

Let's paint a picture, shall we? At a bustling party, a fellow strides up to you holds out a hand, and says, "Hey, you! Remember me?" You won't likely recall simply because they needed to introduce themselves properly and strike up a conversation centred on shared experiences or interests. This is precisely what an impersonal email feels like. A hazy, non-distinct echo of "Hey, you!"

Chilling Figures of Neglect:

  • A report from the Direct Marketing Association found that personalised email campaigns achieve 50% higher click rates. This is the equivalent of half your potential customers walking past your shop simply because you didn't have a welcome sign.
  • 74% of marketers say targeted personalisation increases customer engagement rates. It's a no-brainer. Addressing someone by their name and showing you understand their interests isn't just courteous, it's efficient.
  • Emails with a personalised subject line have 26% higher open rates. That's like sending out 100 invitations to a soiree, and 26 more people turn up just because you wrote their name beautifully on the envelope.

Real World Whoppers:

  • A global tech brand increased its email revenue by a whopping 41% when it personalised emails based on the user's location and weather. The campaign recommended products based on the weather the user was experiencing. Simple, yet incredibly effective.
  • Spotify consistently nails personalisation with its "Year in Review" and "Discover Weekly" playlists. They curate songs and stats according to each user's listening habits, making recipients feel seen and understood.
  • Airbnb's travel recommendations based on users' previous searches or bookings make the user feel the brand really "gets" their travel style, increasing the likelihood of a booking.

The Sting in the Tail:

The tragedy of non-personalisation is the missed connection. Sure, we all get the odd email addressed to "Dear [Client Name]" or "Hello [First Name]." It's a facepalm moment for the sender but for the recipient? It's a lost opportunity for the business and a reminder that they're just a number in a vast database.

Personalisation is the bridge between brands and consumers in the digital age. When executed correctly, it's like a warm, hearty handshake – memorable, effective, and the beginning of a fruitful conversation. So next time you send out an email, remember: personalisation isn't a choice; it's an expectation. And trust us, it pays to meet it.

No Sign, No Fine? Think Again.

An email without a signature or contact details is like serving a pie without a filling. Where's the substance? And a CTA (Call to Action)? Goodness me, it's like baking a cake and forgetting the sugar.

In the world of cold emailing, your email signature is not just a polite ending but your digital handshake—a critical bit of real estate at the end of your message that can significantly bolster credibility and brand recall.

Let's crunch the numbers:

  • A Trust Builder: According to research, 70% of email recipients look at the email signature to judge the sender's legitimacy. Missing out on a signature? It's akin to missing out on a prime opportunity to instil trust.
  • Driving Action: 48% of professionals admit to having reached out or clicked on content promoted within an email signature. Hence, it's not just a space for your name and title but also a hub for sharing your latest webinars, promotions, or events.

Some noteworthy examples:

  • The Networker: Jane, a freelance designer, used her signature to list her details and link her online portfolio and her latest design webinar. As a result, she saw a 30% increase in webinar attendance from her cold outreach.
  • The Thought Leader: Akshay, an industry consultant, shared a link to his most recent op-ed in a top industry magazine in his email signature. It wasn't pushy; it was simply there for those curious to know more. And it worked. His article views and engagement rates went through the roof.
  • The Service Provider: Local bakery, 'Buns & Roses', started embedding a small banner in their email signature promoting their 'Muffin Mondays' deal. The result? Monday footfall increased by 20%, and online Monday sales saw a significant uptick.

It's More Than Just a Name:

Apart from the credibility and trust aspect, signatures offer a chance for brand visibility and consistency. A study revealed that consistent brand presentation across all platforms increases revenue by up to 23%. Your email signature, laden with your logo and branding colours, can serve as another touchpoint, reinforcing your brand.

Call to Action (CTA) is Crucial:

Without a CTA, your email is like a suspense novel without the last chapter. Readers are left hanging, wondering, "What's next?".

CTAs in the email body are paramount, but the signature section can also carry a secondary CTA, be it an invite to an event, a link to a new blog post, or a nudge towards a promotional offer. CTAs can increase conversion rates dramatically. Emails with a single call-to-action increase clicks by 371% and sales by 1617%. And And missing them out? It's a surefire way to let potential business slip through your fingers.

To put it bluntly, if your email were a theatre show, your signature would be the encore. It leaves an impression, gives that final nudge, and can be the star of the show if done right. So next time you draft that email, make sure the signature isn't an afterthought but a well-crafted finale.

The Disappearing Click Trick

Ah, the phantom "click here" with no URL. It's not just a faux pas; it's an email catastrophe. Reality check: 65% of users prefer emails that contain mostly images, compared to 35% who prefer text primarily. So, when you say "click here" and leave them hanging, it's like telling them there's a party but not giving them the address. A missing URL in a "click here" instruction in email marketing isn't delightful or mysterious—it's downright frustrating.

The Stats Speak Loud and Clear:

  • According to a study by Campaign Monitor, CTAs that are buttons (rather than hyperlinked text) can increase click-through rates by as much as 28%. But what use is a fancy button if there's nowhere to take your readers?
  • Optimal placement and clarity in CTAs can increase conversion by over 232%. But here's the catch: that's when they have a working link. A missing URL stops that potential conversion dead in its tracks.

Real-World Whoopsies:

  • Big Brand Blunders: Even the Giants stumble. One infamous case involved an international fashion brand sending a promotional email for a 50% off sale. The tantalising "Shop Now" button was grand and inviting. However, thousands of eager shoppers were left clicking a dead link. The result? A flood of frustrated customers and a follow-up apology email. Not the brand boost they were hoping for!
  • Startup Slip-ups: A rising tech startup once sent invitations to a webinar to over 5,000 subscribers. The "Reserve Your Spot" CTA led... nowhere. That misstep impacted their webinar turnout and sullied their reputation in a community built on precision and attention to detail.

The Moral of the Story: If you're prompting your readers to act, you must guide them clearly and accurately. Ensure every CTA has been tested and directs the reader to the desired location. After all, it's not just about the click; it's about where that click leads. In the vast world of email marketing, CTAs are your compass. Make sure they're pointing the right way.

Why Email Marketing Works (When Done Right!)

Unsurprisingly, email marketing remains the king of the marketing kingdom in our digital age. Why? It's direct, personal, and, when executed with finesse, delivers results that would make any business owner jump for joy. Let's dive deep into the 'why's and 'how's, supported by some irresistible facts and figures.

Unparalleled ROI We mentioned the jaw-dropping figure earlier: an average ROI of £38 for every £1 spent. But where does that magic number come from?

  • Direct targeting: Unlike traditional advertising mediums, where a broad, often irrelevant audience might see your message, email marketing lets you target and retarget your ideal customer.
  • Measurable results: With advanced tracking tools, you can measure open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and more. This means continuous improvement based on real data.
  • Segmentation: Brands that use segmented campaigns noted as much as a 760% increase in revenue. Your emails are far more relevant by tailoring content to specific subscriber segments (think age, location, past purchase behaviour).
  • Customisation: A study revealed that emails with a personalised subject line have a 26% higher open rate. It's about making the recipient feel like you're talking directly to them, not broadcasting to thousands.

Building Relationships Over Time

Unlike a one-off advertisement, email marketing is a continuous conversation with your subscribers.

  • Loyalty: With regular newsletters, offers, and updates, you keep your brand at the top of your subscribers' minds. A consistent and relevant email campaign can increase brand loyalty.
  • Feedback loop: With surveys and response mechanisms in your emails, you're always in tune with what your customers want, need, and think.

Mobile Compatibility

Did you know 46% of all email opens occur on mobile devices? In this mobile-first world, email marketing is readily consumable on the go.

  • Accessibility: Emails can be read during commutes, work breaks, or while waiting for a coffee. It's marketing that fits into your customer's life, not interrupting it.


Email marketing is a steal compared to traditional marketing channels like TV, radio, or print.

  • Scalability: The costs remain relatively stable whether you're a small business owner sending emails to a hundred subscribers or a corporate giant reaching millions.
  • No third-party fees: Unlike platforms like Facebook or Google Ads, where you're paying per click or impression, your email list is a resource you own and can tap into without ongoing costs.

Examples in Action

  • ASOS: This fashion giant's retargeting emails remind you of items left in your cart. They cleverly combine urgency with personalisation – "Hurry, your cart is expiring!" – leading to increased conversions.
  • Netflix: Ever got an email from them saying a new series is out that you might enjoy? That's segmentation and personalisation in tandem. They know your viewing habits and tailor their content accordingly.

To sum it up, think of email marketing as the seasoned chef of the digital marketing world. With the right ingredients (your content) and method (strategy and personalisation), it whips up dishes (campaigns) that leave people craving for more.

So, are you ready to get cooking? 🍳💌

And that's where Local Marketing Made Easy waltzes in.

  • No more missed opportunities: We ensure you're not leaving money on the table. Every potential client is a treasure; we make sure you treat them as such.
  • Saving Time: Crafting emails, list management, tracking... it's a full-time job! We handle it so you can focus on what you do best.
  • Dodging Headaches: No more misfired emails or missing CTAs. With us at the helm, it's smooth sailing.

So next time you think of cold emailing, remember – it's not just about sending an email; it's about forging a connection. And if you need a hand with that, you know where to find us.

Local Marketing Made Easy is a full-service local marketing agency based in Greenwich, London. We can show you how a good marketing strategy can increase sales - ultimately putting more money in your pocket.

To see how we can help your business, call us on (0203) 303 0625 or book a callback request via the form below.

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